Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Article 3

Article 3

APA citation; Ray, J. (2006). Welcome to the blogosphere:The educational use
of blogs. Kappa delta pi 42.4, 175-77. Retrieved from ERIC database on
23 July 2007.

I. Title: Welcome to the blogosphere:The educational use of blogs.

II. Author: Jan Ray

III. Author’s Purpose for Writing:

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study? This is basically an overview of how to use edublogs. Yes, because the medium is so new that many teachers may not be taking advantage of it.

V. Author’s Inquiry Question: How to effectively use blogs in the classroom

A. Author’s methodology: None. This is basically an overview of the possibilities available to teacher in edublogging.

B. Who is being studied? Teachers and their uses of blogging for educational purposes

C. Over what length of time? Not specified

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