Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lit. Review articles 7 and 8

Literature Review


APA Citation: Blogging teens. Website design help. 24 July 2007.

I. Title:. Blogging teens

II. Author: None.

III. Author’s Purpose for Writing: To explain why teens are drawn to blogging.

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study?
q “One of the reasons why blogs have undergone a kind of explosion in the ten community . . .is the fact that they provide a unique mixture of visibility and anonymity.”
q “Many a blogging teen lives in fear that a parent or guardian will discover his or her blog, but by publishing under an alias a teenager can spill his or her secrets without fear of being traced.”
q “Outside the world of blogging, teen have little opportunity to be published.”
q “Many a blogging teen has discovered that having a weblog on the internet is great way to explore self-expression and often to win positive feedback from friends.”

V. Author’s Inquiry Question: Why do teens like to blog?

A. Author’s methodology: None

B. Who is being studied? Teens

Literature Review

Article 8

APA Citation: Kornblum, J. Teens wear their hearts on their blogs. (30 Oct. 2005).
USA Today. Retrieved from on 24 July

I. Title:. Teens wear their hearts on their blogs.

II. Author: Janet Kornblum

III. Author’s Purpose for Writing: To highlight how teens use blogs as a personal diary

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study?
This article quotes numerous teens who use blogs diaries to express their innermost feelings. These same teens feel that their privacy is violated if their parents read their blogs, but they are willing to allow strangers to view their blogs.
At the time of the article, 8 million teens had blogs, but if one takes MySpace into consideration, then the number jumps to 34 million.
Teen, who tend to be exhibitionist use blogs to “pour out their emotions.” (Jenny Rypkeema, sophomore at Brandeis University.

V. Author’s Inquiry Question: What draws teens to blogging?

A. Author’s methodology: Uses direct quotes from college and high school students who are avid bloggers.

B. Who is being studied? High school and college students

VIII. What the author discovered: Teens like to use blogs for personal expression, want to share their private thoughts with the world, but not with their parents. They establish friendships via blogs and feel less isolated because of blogs.

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