Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Article 4: Lit Review

Literature Review

Article 4

APA Citation: Wang, J. and Fang, Y. (2006). Benefits of cooperative learning in
weblog networks. Washington D.C. Office of Educational Research
and Improvement. ERIC Document Reproduction Service # ED 490813.

I. Title: Benefits of cooperative learning in weblog networks.

II. Author: Jenny Wang Ph, D. and Yuehchiu Fang, Ph.D.

III. Author’s Purpose for Writing: to explore the benefits of cooperative learning in weblog networks

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study? Yes, they try to address how weblogging and technology should meet the needs of the students.

V. Author’s Inquiry Question: What are the advantages of using in cooperative learning structure on teaching and learning?

A. Author’s methodology: The number and content of text contributions made by group members in the blogs including the online responses or asynchronous communication were analyzed.

B. Who is being studied? College students in writing classes.

C. Over what length of time? During a one semester writing course

D. What data is being collected? Survey questions rated the students’ self-confidence, empowerment, positive interdependence, individual accountability, group processing, social skills, time management, and face-to-face interactions

VII. How the author collected information: Student surveys

VIII. What the author discovered: The results were positive. Blogs increased the students’ confidence in learning writing, their ability to learn from others. It also helped them develop their social skills and ability to work as a team. All were glad to learn to use blogs, but believed face-to face interactions also helped them towards accomplish their goals,

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