Thursday, July 19, 2007

Literature Review Practice

Title: Developing a Culture of Inquiry for Equity: One School’s Story

II. Author: Tanya Fruedman

III. Author's Purpose for Writing: To share their experience of learning to create, nurture, and sustain this culture—conditions and strategies that help teach for equity.

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature?
3 elements are important to develop and sustain a culture that supports inquiry for equity:
1. Create structure and support for teachers to reflect on how issues of race, class, and culture play out in their own lives, in school, and classroom.
2. Offer a variety of structures and entry points for equity driven education
3. Dedicate time, space, and support for both formal and informal inquiry

V. Author's Inquiry Question/s: What do teachers do in their own practice to work for more equitable outcomes for students?

VI. Author's Methodology

A. Who is being studied? Teachers

B. Over what length of time? Several years

C. What data is being collected: Teacher’s reflections; student outcomes;

D. How is it being analyzed: informally—shared dinner discussions; formal conversations

E. Any other interesting or pertinent data

VII. How the author collected information: By being a participant in the study

VIII. What the Author Discovered or Conclusions/Implications
When she feels willing to transform her instruction, to give up familiar structures and practices, to look at something or someone in a new light, to take risks, to learn something uncomfortable about myself, the she believes the culture is

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