Sunday, July 15, 2007

Response to One Teacher's Journey

Interesting article. I remember both of my kids were taught using the process method in the early nineties. I wondered about it at the time because whatever the kids wrote was full of spelling errors. But somehow, somewhere the kids learn the rules because they write correctly now, so the method must work, if we may use my small population sample as evidence. I liked the author's honesty in how she described her journey in teaching writing and how she arrived at a certain epiphany when she taught process writing. I also appricaite herr doubts, in that she was worried she was not teaching enough "facts." Here's a quote from Oscar Wilde to lay her mind at rest: "Nothing worth knowing can be taught in school." I don't know if that is really true . . . but, on the other hand, we can teach kids things worth doing. And writing is one of those things.

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